Buckle up and keep right: New highway safety laws go into effect this Labor Day holiday

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. – As traffic volumes increase on Alabama highways this Labor Day holiday weekend, the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is making motorists aware of two highway safety laws that go into effect Sept. 1.

New Alabama highway safety laws take effect Sept. 1, 2019

  • Everyone, buckle up.  All passengers in a vehicle must wear a seat belt. Previously, adults in the rear seat were not required to wear a seat belt. The Alabama Legislature amended the law this year to include those riding in rear seats. In Alabama, 60 percent of people dying in vehicle crashes are not wearing a seat belt.
  • Keep right, except to pass. Drivers on Alabama interstates must travel in the right lane. Drivers are no longer allowed to be in the left lane for more than 1.5 miles unless the driver is passing another vehicle. There are exceptions for road hazards, traffic congestion and moving over for emergency response vehicles.

ALDOT is also doing its part for highway safety by having no temporary lane closures on Alabama interstates after noon Friday, Aug. 30 through midnight, Monday, Sept. 2.

“With so many people heading to football games or to the beach or lake during the holiday weekend, it’s even more important to focus on driving safely,” said Allison Green, Drive Safe Alabama coordinator with ALDOT. “Buckle up every seat, every trip. A seat belt is your best defense on the road.”

Safe driving tips are available on the Drive Safe Alabama Facebook page.

Motorists planning their holiday travel route can find Alabama traffic and road condition information at www.ALGOtraffic.com or by downloading the ALGO Traffic app. ALDOT asks motorists to use ALGO Traffic responsibly. Drivers should never text, tweet or use a mobile device while operating a vehicle.