Ming Enterprises bringing 3 new restaurants to Cullman’s south side

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Architectural renderings of the future Cullman Row East (top), current site of the old Cullman Chrysler Dodge dealership, and Cullman Row West (bottom), current site of the former Sticks N Stuff  / Bill Ming

CULLMAN – Two vacant sites on Second Avenue Southwest (Highway 31 South) in Cullman are getting new life, thanks to Athens-based developer Ming Enterprises. Owner Bill Ming confirmed late Thursday afternoon that his company purchased the two properties, the site of the old Cullman Chrysler Dodge dealership and the property across the street, which was home to Sticks N Stuff and Trader Bob's Flea Mall, on Wednesday. Ming said the first three new tenants, after renovations are complete, will be Firehouse Subs, Marco's Pizza and Diablo's Southwest Grill.

"What we're going to be doing is redeveloping both of those buildings to where they look brand-spanking new and have kind of a unique architectural style that's popular with redevelopment projects now," said Ming. "We're calling the projects Cullman Row East for the Chrysler building and the one across the street, we're calling it Cullman Row West."

The three new restaurants will be in Cullman Row East.

"Cullman Row East will contain 12,300 square feet. We started demolition yesterday and we already have three new restaurants to Cullman committed," Ming said. "We've got Firehouse Subs. We've got Marco's Pizza, which is a national pizza chain headquartered out of Detroit, and we've got Diablo's Southwest Grill; it's out of Georgia, and it's like a Chipotle. It's a little nicer than a Moe's Southwest Grill. Those three are committed, and we've got others we're talking to."

Ming continued, "We're going to concentrate on getting Cullman Row East finished first, and hopefully by the third quarter (August or September 2018) we'll have tenants open for business and we'll be working on the Cullman Row West building, and it has up to 25,000 square feet. Cullman Row West will probably be late fourth quarter of this year to first quarter of next year, 2018 or early 2019. It may move faster, it just depends on how the build-outs and everything go."

Ming said he's happy about the project.

"We're really excited about it. We were looking for an opportunity in Cullman for about two years, and saw this as a redevelopment opportunity. We were looking at the Chrysler building and saw the other building across the street and were able to make a deal with both owners."

Ming said the architectural style of the two properties will be similar to Campus 805 in Huntsville, with a "Millennial /New Age" look.

"Cullman was just kind of a natural move for us," said Ming, who said he grew up in Athens.

Ming Enterprises is a family-owned business. Ming works with his son, William Ming, Jr. and others. Find out more at www.mingcregroup.com.

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