Poet’s Corner: “The Shepherds”


"And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them." Luke 2:20

The Shepherds

Out in the fields the shepherds kept, their flocks beneath the sky.

The angel came and so afraid,

the shepherds questioned why.


Fear not,

the angel said,

I have good news to bring.

A Saviour is born in Bethlehem

the heavenly host did sing.


And this shall be a sign to you,

a manger filled with hay.

In swaddling clothes he is wrapped

and in this he is laid.


The shepherds went, in haste they fled, their flocks they left behind.

To rush to see the miracle, the Saviour they must find.


And there

in Bethlehem they found him

just like the angel said. Before the newborn child they bowed

and there by God was led.


They worshipped him and traveled far,

the good news to others shared.

Glory to God and Peace on Earth. Good Will to All Declared.


Christ the Lord in Bethlehem.

They worshiped and adored Him.

Christ the Lord in Bethlehem.

The Angels of God did show them.