EvaBank Midnight Run 2016 set to take off Aug. 19

By: ,
Will Hogue

Photo: Runners enjoying last year’s Midnight Run

CULLMAN – Get ready to get your glow on at the 2016 EvaBank Midnight Run on Friday, Aug. 19 at 11:59 p.m. The race will start at the Cullman Civic Center and follow a course through the streets of Cullman at midnight.

The 2016 Midnight Run will be a black-light themed race, with color stations strategically placed along the course where neon color powder will be thrown at runners as they pass. The neon colors will glow under the black lights. Pre-race and post-race parties will take place at the finish line where runners will receive free glow-in-the-dark goodies.

“We usually have about 700-800 runners participate,” said Waid Harbison, marketing, programs & events director at Cullman City Parks and Recreation. “This will be the 24th year for the race.”

For those runners who want to race, but don’t want to take part in the shenanigans, there will be the option to bypass the color stations on the course. The race will be professionally timed, and the top three individuals in each category will receive medals. Overall winners will receive cash prizes.

Registration is open now through Aug. 19 at the Cullman Civic Center, any EvaBank location or online at http://qrne.ws/midnightrun.

For more information, contact Harbison at 256-734-9157 or wharbison@cullmanrecreation.org.