EMS telecommunicators: Unsung heroes behind the scenes

EMS telecommunicator Alyson Moody is pictured with a gift basket recognizing the team for its diligent work keeping Cullman County safe. (contributed)

CULLMAN COUNTY, Ala. – The men and women and who make up Cullman’s first responder community are tasked with keeping the county and its residents safe and protected. Emergency calls come in at all hours of the day and night from people in desperate need of assistance. Within minutes of making the 911 call, help arrives in the form of law enforcement, fire and/or emergency personnel. Key to getting help to where it is needed are emergency telecommunicators, often referred to as dispatchers.

Just over a week ago, on Friday, March 3, Cullman County prepared for a potentially dangerous storm front and its accompanying strong winds, which were predicted to be in excess of 60 mph. Trees and power lines were downed, leaving many roads blocked and homes in disrepair.

“On that day, first responders from around Cullman County prepared for the possibility of a large scale wind damage,” said Hanceville Fire and Rescue Assistant Chief Bart Absher. “Another group of first responders prepared in a different way. Cullman County Fire/EMS telecommunicators prepared for an extremely busy afternoon with only two personnel and two trainees to dispatch 26 Cullman County fire departments and seven ambulances.”

With only two staff members aided by two trainees on that day, almost 150 emergency calls were taken and mitigated in only hours. Over 110 of the calls required fire departments from around the county to be dispatched.

Absher and the team of dedicated first responders at Hanceville Fire and Rescue “would like to commend this wonderful group of telecommunicators for all of their hard work and dedication to the citizens of Cullman County with a gift basket courtesy of Treasures by HEA.”

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